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Archive for November, 2010

Welcome New Designers to The Fashion District: Cheeky Bella, Lucia Lehrer & Neo Shiki

November 21st, 2010
New Designer at The Fashion District

Accessories by Lucia Letrer

New Arrivals!!!

November 21st, 2010

Accessories by Lucia Lehrer

Montreal Designer Lucia Lehrer joins The Fashion District, with her amazing detachable collection. Lucia has created an entire line of accessories that can be interchangeable; they can be worn as a necklace, decorative bra strap, shoe & boot decorations, or on a jacket pocket!! Each piece is handmade from fine leather, and comes in a variety of styles and colours! See in store for Lucia’s New Christmas Collection…..Stunning! Lucia’s collection is exclusive to The Fashion District in Toronto, but her collections can also be found in finer Boutiques throughout Montreal.

Accessories by Lucia Lehrer

Accessories by Lucia Lehrer

New Announcement; Menu for The Fashion District Fashion Show Gala

November 2nd, 2010

Fantastic news, we’ve just finalized the menu for the event.  As always the staff at our host venue The Novotel Toronto have been fantastic and we are looking forward to the event.  Check out the delicious creations that the team has put together.  Remember that tickets are still available for this event – contact us for details.  It will definitely be a night to remember.

Course 1   Salad
-         Spinach Salad with Avocado, Pomegranate & Toasted Sunflower Seeds and Lemon Dijon Vinaigrette

Course 2   Intermezzo
-         Thai Basil, Coconut & Lime Sorbet

Course 3    Main
-         Wild Mushroom and Spinach stuffed Chicken Breast  with Goat  Cheese Cream Sauce, Rosemary and Garlic Mini Red Potatoes and Roasted Root Vegetables (Vegetarian option upon request  at time of ticket purchase)

Course 4   Dessert   

-     New York Style Cheesecake with a Field Berry Compote

*Cash Bar available

The Fashion District Presents: Our Third Annual Fashion Gala 2010

November 1st, 2010


The Fashion District Gala Poster

Celebrate Our Third Annual Fashion Gala on Saturday, Nov.13th at Novotel Hotel, 45 The Esplanade, Toronto.
Schmooze with Toronto’s Finest
Designers, Fashionistas, and Industry Favourites!

Tickets: $75 per person

This amazing evening includes: Cocktail Party, 4-Course Dinner , Fashion Show, Goodie Bag, Silent Auction, Raffle Draws, Entertainment, Jewellery Show & Sale, After Party at The Roosevelt Room, and More…..!!!

Special Hotel Room Rate ($139) for event patrons

Cocktails at 7:00 p.m; Fashion Show & Dinner at 8:00 p.m.

For Tickets by Phone: Visa/MC/Amex : 647-430-7433 or Novotel 416-972-6983